Welcome To The Austin Life Chiropractic Blog

Should You See a Chiropractor for a Concussion?
A concussion is a high-impact traumatic brain injury that causes the brain to rapidly hit the inside of the skull. When you're suffering from a concussion, it's important to get help from a medical doctor as soon as possible. After seeing a doctor for the initial...

Sciatic Nerve Pain: Can Chiropractic Care Help?
Sciatic Nerve Pain: Can Chiropractic Care Help? The sciatic nerve runs from your lower lumbar region over the hips and down each leg. If you have ever felt a sharp excruciating pain radiating over the hips and down the legs, you would probably do anything to...

Upper Cervical Chiropractic: Treatment for Brain Fog
Upper Cervical Chiropractic: Treatment for Brain Fog Brain fog is not a medical condition, but a symptom that can cause memory problems, inability to focus, lack of mental clarity, and poor concentration. Brain fog is also described as “mental fatigue” and, depending...

How Your Family Chiropractor is Just Like Your Family Doctor
If you're like most people, you see your family doctor for nearly all conditions. From the flu to insomnia, your family physician is probably a go-to source for diagnostics and treatment.Did you know that your family chiropractor can provide the same...
How to fix bad “text neck” posture to relieve neck pain and headaches
We've all seen someone like this, right? Hi, I'm Dr. Summer, and here at Austin Life we call this text neck. Brooklyn here is a patient with us, and she struggles with migraines, headaches, neck pain and even upper back pain. You can see here, she's flexed down to...
Choosing the Right Pillow to Support Your Head and Neck
Hello, I'm Dr. Bart Patzer here at Austin Life Chiropractic, and one of the things as an upper cervical specific chiropractor, we constantly see issues with people on how they're ruining their spines with the pillows they're using. Pillows today make the...

Is your baby colicky?
Does your baby cry constantly? Do you feel like you just can’t console them and don’t have the answers? Maybe you are a new parent and are struggling through the depths of parenthood and just don’t know what to do. Maybe this isn’t your first child but you have just never had a baby cry like this before.

Vertigo Treatment in Austin
Dealing with vertigo and/or dizziness? Want a natural, drug-free, healthy alternative? We can help! Ever have this feeling? That the room is spinning around you or you yourself are spinning? This is what is called vertigo which is a subtype of dizziness. Vertigo can severely affect balance and quality of a person’s life.

Baby Ear Infections
We get calls every week from concerned parents regarding what has often become chronic “baby ear infections.” We have been asked to post some of our successes with pediatric chiropractic practice members. Coralee H. was 3 years old when she came in to see us in...